隨著投資公司的增長與多元,我們決定參與今年11月的 Meet Taipei 創新創業嘉年華,以拓展產業視野。Meet Taiepi向來對新創業者及投資者來說,是亞洲最重要的盛會之一,今年更是吸引了超過7萬名的專業人士參與,透過這次的參與經驗,也證實了這是一個接觸新秀與了解市場趨勢的絕佳的機會。
董事長葉書豪非常榮幸受到大會邀請擔任 Neo Star Demo Show, where Charles LUCIMA evaluated the pitches of 30 extraordinary startups. We also arranged several one-on-one meetings at the Meet & Match event. Though the industries are diverse (smart manufacturing, cloud service, blockchain, and AI), we’ve also gathered insights into sectors that we already focus on, such as marketing technologies. These MarTech teams have built services centered on personalized customer care and shopping experiences, as well as the utilization of data science to generate a more effective marketing campaigns for accelerated growth. As a result we have connected with some of these teams and discussed future collaboration opportunities.
我們想感謝在2021 Meet Tapei 創新創業嘉年華中所遇見的每一位參與者,如您有進一步的想法想與我們討論,歡迎與我們 聯繫 ,期待能共同在未來創造更多的成功故事。